Whether you’re feeling under the weather or just feeling a bit blue, chances are there’s something going on in your gut. That’s right—your gut health can have an impact on your mental health. In recent years, research has uncovered a powerful connection between the brain and the gut, otherwise known as the “mind-gut connection.” Let’s take a look at how gut heath affects our mental state.
The Brain-Gut Axis
It may seem like a stretch to think that something happening in your stomach can have an effect on what’s running through your mind, but it turns out that this is exactly what occurs when it comes to the brain-gut axis. The brain and nervous system work together with hormones and neurotransmitters to communicate information between the two systems, allowing them to interact with one another. This connection can be both physical and psychological in nature, meaning that the mind and body are intertwined in ways we are still discovering.
The Role of Gut Bacteria
One way in which the mind-gut connection works is through gut bacteria. There are billions of bacteria living inside our guts that help us digest food, absorb nutrients, and ward off disease-causing organisms—these bacteria form our microbiome. Researchers believe that this microbiome plays an important role in regulating mood by producing neurotransmitters such as serotonin (which affects mood) and dopamine (which helps regulate emotions). An imbalance in these areas can lead to changes in mood such as depression or anxiety, suggesting that maintaining a healthy balance of gut bacteria is key for mental wellbeing.
Improving Gut Health for Mental Wellbeing
So how do you maintain balance? Eating plenty of fiber-rich foods such as fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts, whole grains and seeds will ensure that your microbiome gets plenty of nourishment from prebiotic sources which feed beneficial bacteria inside your intestine walls. Probiotics—foods containing live bacteria—such as yogurt or kimchi can also help add beneficial bacteria into the mix while helping reduce inflammation levels throughout your body. Finally, getting enough exercise and sleep can go a long way towards reducing stress levels which helps keep things balanced within your body. Conclusion: Maintaining good gut health can go a long way towards promoting good mental health too. By eating plenty of fiber rich foods such as fruits and veggies while adding probiotics (miso, sauerkraut, kombucha) into the mix PLUS getting regular exercise and sleep you can help promote balance within both your body and mind, leading to improved overall wellbeing! Taking care of yourself means taking care of both your physical and mental health. So start today! It's never too late to take charge of your overall health and well being.